
november 7th, 2009

Martin Walde
AHIS, 2009

Martin Walde Hallucigenia

Thin walled glas bodies, filled with several different gases, are made to shine through high frequency technology. They are made to look like ancient small animals millions of years old which have been found in Kanada in 1977. S.C. Morris discovered these animals and called them “Hallucigenia”.

Black Cat / White Cat

november 7th, 2009

Red cat

South Korean scientists have cloned cats that look reddish under ultraviolet light by modifying a protein gene to change their skin color.

The team at Gyeongsang National University produced three Turkish Angora cats possessing altered fluorescence protein (RFP) genes.

The Ministry of Science and Technology said, “It marked the first time in the world that cats with RFP genes have been cloned. The ability to produce cloned cats with the manipulated genes is significant as it could be used for developing treatments for genetic diseases and for reproducing model (cloned) animals suffering from the same diseases as humans.”

Chaotic Warfare

november 4th, 2009

Pascal Bernier
Hunting Accident – Deer, 1996

Pascal bernier

Hunting Accident – Tiger, 2000

Pascal bernier

Pascal Bernier
Butterfly, 1996-1998

‘According to theories on chaotic systems, the fluttering of a butterfly’s wing can eventually produce a hurricane.  Waging war against butterflies could perhaps become the ultimate weapon in the chaos strategy’.

Pascal bernier

Pascal bernier